
Our fruits, vegetables, and cereal crops stem from a wild ancestor and have undergone major changes through millennia of domestication and selection. There are various ways to reveal plant diversity over time, and one of these is through the combination of art history and genetics (also known as #ArtGenetics).

We use #ArtGenetics as a way to provide everybody (also the non-trained life scientists) with the tools to understand basic molecular biology. In addition, this is a means to spread information on plant evolution and natural genetic diversity.

Find us on Instagram: @ArtGenetics


Key Publications:

Genomes on Canvas: Artist's Perspective on Evolution of Plant-Based Foods.

Vergauwen D, De Smet I.

Trends Plant Sci. 2020 Aug;25(8):717-719.

The Collaboration Between Art History and Genetics - An Unlikely Marriage of Disciplines.

De Smet I, Vergauwen D.

Front Plant Sci. 2021 Nov 1;12:757439.

Watermelons versus Melons: A Matter of Taste.

Vergauwen D, De Smet I.

Trends Plant Sci. 2019 Nov;24(11):973-976.

The Strawberry Tales: Size Matters.

Vergauwen D, De Smet I.

Trends Plant Sci. 2019 Jan;24(1):1-3.

From early farmers to Norman Borlaug - the making of modern wheat.

Vergauwen D, De Smet I.

Curr Biol. 2017 Sep 11;27(17):R858-R862.

Down the Rabbit Hole-Carrots, Genetics and Art.

Vergauwen D, De Smet I.

Trends Plant Sci. 2016 Nov;21(11):895-898.

Let's go bananas with paintings.

Peeters NGJ, Vergauwen D, De Smet I.

Trends Plant Sci. 2023 Nov;28(11):1195-1197.